About Toffler

Federal Contract Vehicles

Contract vehicles for easy government access to our services

Contract Vehicles & GHG Statement


GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) enables the government to procure Toffler’s integrated consulting services to improve federal agency performance and achieve mission goals.

Navy SeaPort-NxG N0017819D8723

The Navy SeaPort-Next Generation contract provides Engineering, Technical and Programmatic Support Services to entire spectrum of mission areas and technical capabilities supported by the Department of the Navy.

Public Disclosure of GHG Emissions

We provide our greenhouse gas (GHG) disclosure report in support of our federal clients’ climate goals.

Toffler Associates provides services under the following NAICS codes


Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services


Professional and Management Development Training


Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)


Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services

Toffler Associates is a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB)

WOSB Special Requirements

The SBA’s WOSB Program authorizes contracting officers (COs) to restrict or “set-aside” certain requirements for competitions solely among women-owned small businesses. Requirements can be set-aside for WOSB if:

  1. The CO has a reasonable expectation that two or more WOSBs will submit offers that meet the requirement.
  2. The anticipated award price of the contract does not exceed $4 million for services.
  3. The CO expects the contract can be awarded at a fair and reasonable price.

Sole Sourcing Projects Less than $250,000

When contracts are valued at less than $250,000, they are automatically set-aside for small businesses, and can be sole sourced to businesses in the WOSB program.

Both the SBA’s regulations and the FAR require socio-economic programs to be considered first for set-aside contracts worth $250,000 or more.

Additional Contracting Mechanisms

Government Prime Contractors

Toffler Associates forms strong partnerships with reputable Government Prime Contractors that enable us to serve multiple agencies within the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and other civilian agencies.

Other Transaction Authority Vehicles

Toffler Associates is a member of a consortium of industry, academic institutions, and other nontraditional providers that perform services under Other Transaction Authority (OTA) vehicles. OTAs expedite procurement to bring innovative research findings and state-of-the-art prototypes to the Federal Government. These long-term agreements between industry and government establish baseline terms and conditions, negotiable on a project-by-project basis.

Simplified Acquisition

Toffler Associates is a commercial provider of government services eligible for simplified acquisition engagements in accordance with FAR Parts 2, 13, and 19. Depending on scope, engagement fees may fall within simplified acquisition thresholds and can be procured via efficient and expedient use of a Government-wide commercial purchase card.

Air Force Strategic Transformation Support (AFSTS) IDIQ

Toffler Associates is a team member on the Air Force Strategic Transformation Support (AFSTS) IDIQ. The purpose of this IDIQ is to obtain Contractor support to provide Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Office of Business Transformation (SAF/MG) and Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) in managing and improving Strategic Transformation Initiatives at the enterprise level. This IDIQ is open for use by all Federal agencies.