Smart Growth Requires Adapting to Smart Technologies

Technology’s rapid evolution pressures organizations to adopt new and emerging technologies or risk losing competitive advantage. However, when is the right time to adopt a technology? Is a better solution around the corner? Is a customized solution worth the investment? What suite of products best aligns to my organization’s needs? Beyond these business questions, organizations face moral and ethical questions around technology. It’s no longer simply can we? but also should we? Organizations need to balance trust with reality in a digitized world, where data is stored forever.

Toffler Associates helps federal and commercial entities understand the landscape of available technologies, the R&D technology pipeline, and how to facilitate partnerships to secure technologies to meet mission needs. Our work applies cross-industry best practices and aligns technology decisions that sustain growth, improve process, and drive innovation.


Key Benefits

Opportunities and threats from new and envisioned NextGen technologies

Informed investment strategies and R&D priorities

Preparation for unfamiliar moral, ethical, legal, and operational issues created by new technologies

Our Expertise

  • Technology Scouting
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Future Market Assessment
  • Commercial Intelligence Techniques (TACIT®)
  • Future Change Monitoring and Detection
  • Supply Chain Analysis

Critical Leadership Questions

  • Which emergent and realized technologies will impact us?
  • How could new technologies disrupt the markets we serve?
  • What capabilities and knowledge do we need to leverage emerging technologies?
  • Which developing technologies can be catalysts for our innovation?

Enterprise Examples

Explored the R&D investments across customers to identify corporate development and innovation opportunities for global aerospace and defense company
Performed technology scanning for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Science and Technology organization to identify potential threats and disruptions to domestic security in 2030
Analyzed the technology and manufacturing industrial base (TMIB) for the Undersecretary of Defense’s Science and Technology organization to understand the ability of the commercial sector to provide capabilities required by the Department of Defense
For the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, we identified the future drivers of global innovation across relevant sectors and helped to design an investment portfolio strategy that would allow them to allocate risk capital and take advantage of emerging centers of innovation.

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