Innovation Never Happens in a Void – Valuing Collaboration

February 24, 2016
Leadership drives collaboration, which drives innovation. Innovation drives a Future Proof® organization that can generate continuous, incremental worth.

These People Can Lead Your Innovation and Transformation

August 10, 2016
These three qualities distinguish the leaders who lead organizations to and through transformation. Engage them to create successful innovation and resiliency.

This is Why Your Organizational Transformation Demands Humanity

November 2, 2016
As the world struggles with transitions wrought by globalization and the Knowledge Age, three human issues impact the process and outcomes of change.

The Three Secrets to Great Bartending and Successful Consulting

April 12, 2017
As in bartending, successful consulting takes intellect and methodology. But more than anything, it takes care for the best interests of each customer.

This is the Only Reliable Means of Protecting Critical Infrastructure

September 7, 2017
For those responsible for the resilience of our critical infrastructure, understanding what to protect and also how to protect it requires consistency, insistency, and...

Optimism is the Most Potent Tool Your Organization Can Possess

November 16, 2017
Skepticism prompts healthy questions. Cynicism is a dead end. Optimism is the key that has unlocked the greatest global progress in modern times.

Shifting from Security to Risk in the New Geopolitical Reality

May 16, 2018
As the new geopolitical environment forces the U.S. to consider the sources, causes, and prevention of risk, we propose lexicon that reflects our shared...

The Infrastructure We Need to Secure Future Innovation

June 6, 2018
These critical considerations identify the econdamentals of resilient infrastructure capable of protecting people, pipes, and petabytes in an innovation environment.

The Timeless Philosophies of Disruption and Innovation

May 16, 2019
The effort to understand change is timeless. How we innovate to do that has changed. We explore the role of philosophy in our current...

Security Blindspots in the Novel Normal with Skeet Spillane

June 25, 2020
Security expert Skeet Spillane reflects on how necessary security has become due to the shift to the work from home environment.

Security Blindspots in the Novel Normal with Caitlin Durkovich

July 16, 2020
Toffler Associates Director Caitlin Durkovich shared insight on how companies can adapt their cybersecurity processes for an extended remote work environment.

Security Blindspots in the Novel Normal with KC Carnes

July 23, 2020
National InfraGard Energy Sector Chief KC Carnes shared his expertise to help business leaders make crucial cybersecurity decisions in the Novel Normal.

Change Fatigue is Inevitable. Here’s What To Do About It.

February 13, 2023
Change is exciting, necessary, and difficult. Reducing change fatigue requires leaders to communicate effectively and support the team making change possible.

The Value of Scenario Planning for DHS SAFETY Act Certification and Organizational Success

December 14, 2023
As humans, we run through options and branches in every moment of our thinking – whether for risks or opportunities: What if it rains during...