How Gen Z Communicates Today Impacts How it Leads Tomorrow

August 10, 2023
Gen Z communications reflect the rapid societal shifts that have characterized their young lives. Their interactions today impact how they lead tomorrow.

TCFD Reporting Best Practices

August 3, 2023
Climate Scenario Analysis means assessing your organization's risks and opportunities tied to climate change. In this article, Dan Fukushima explains the steps your organization...

Welcome to the Face of Leadership in 2040

May 1, 2023
Leadership evolves and by 2040, we expect a new model of leadership due to societal powershifts, changing organizational models, and new definitions of wealth.

Six Career Development Insights from Women in Leadership

March 7, 2023
When Toffler Associates' three female advisory board members met with our staff, they shared their experience-borne insights of how to succeed in the workforce...

Holding Myself Accountable on Our Firm’s DEI Progress

February 27, 2023
As a futurist, I think about what I want tomorrow to look like and my role in planting seeds today to create that future for...

Embrace Disruption: The Leadership Guide to Navigating Change and Driving Innovation

August 5, 2022
Neither innovation nor disruption is a new term, but leaders are compelled to understand them in new ways as the strategic business environment rapidly...

Climate Scenario Analysis and TCFD Reporting

July 14, 2022
A CEO writes from 2030 to share what the company got right by embracing TCFD and using scenario planning to make climate-friendly decisions in...

What Your CISO Wants You to Know

March 22, 2022
CISOs from different industries - energy, finance, entertainment, technology - share concerns related to workforce vulnerabilities and how rethinking security enhances value.

Letter from the CEO: Happy New Year, and Welcome to 2022

January 17, 2022
Our CEO's takeaway as we move into 2022: We play an active role in creating the future through our decisions and behaviors.

A Future-Focused Approach to Preparing Your Organization for Resiliency and Success

May 12, 2021
Toffler Associates CEO Maria Bothwell sat down with former CEO Deborah Westphal to discuss Deb's upcoming book and how leaders can apply its insights...

Letter from the CEO: Happy New Year, and Welcome to 2021

January 14, 2021
The new year is upon us, and many leaders are wondering where we go from here. Toffler Associates CEO, Maria Bothwell, addresses what changes...

As a CEO and Leader, I’m Starting with Myself and My Own Unconscious Biases

June 11, 2020
Leaders have a responsibility to acknowledge how their internal biases may have informed actions and decisions. Change starts from within.